General Medicine General Acute Care Asthma Behavioral Health Dental Health Emergency Medicine Health Insurance Influenza Men’s Health Otolaryngology Patient Safety Physiatry Pulmonary Medicine Surgery Venous Disease Wound Care General Medicine / Acute Care Will the hospitalist continue with my medical care after I am discharged from the hospital? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:38 pm Are the hospitalists at Sonora Regional Medical Center using any new technologies to make my hospital stay safer? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:37 pm Does the hospitalist program reduce medical costs? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:36 pm Do hospitalists provide care to patients admitted for inpatient surgery? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:36 pm How does the hospitalist service work at Sonora Regional Medical Center? Will my primary care physician be involved? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:35 pm How long has the hospitalist program been in place and who are the patients you care for? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:34 pm What is a hospitalist? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:32 pm What kind of training is required of the hospitalists at Sonora Regional Medical Center? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:32 pm General Medicine / Behavioral Health Is hoarding a mental disorder? How common is it? Galyn Savage, PhD Apr 15, 2019 11:21 am What are the most common mental disorders? Galyn Savage, PhD Jan 27, 2015 02:31 pm What are the best ways for friends and family to support someone with mental illness? Galyn Savage, PhD Jan 27, 2015 02:30 pm What do I do if I suspect a family member has symptoms of a mental disorder? What services are available in Tuolumne… Galyn Savage, PhD Jan 27, 2015 02:30 pm What causes mental illness? Galyn Savage, PhD Jan 27, 2015 02:28 pm When should I consider getting help for depression? Amy DePue, DO Jan 26, 2015 02:05 pm General Medicine / Dental Health I am terrified of going to the dentist. Are there any anxiety reducing techniques? Brainard Duncan, DDS Apr 15, 2019 11:21 am What is a safe and effective toothpaste? Brainard Duncan, DDS Jan 27, 2015 08:51 am Why do I get cold sores? Brainard Duncan, DDS Jan 27, 2015 08:54 am Do I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled? Brainard Duncan, DDS Jan 27, 2015 08:48 am What can I do about my husband’s bad breath? Brainard Duncan, DDS Jan 27, 2015 08:48 am What is a root canal? Brainard Duncan, DDS Jan 27, 2015 08:45 am Why do we need fluoride? Brainard Duncan, DDS Jan 27, 2015 08:46 am General Medicine / Emergency Medicine What is your favorite thing about being an emergency physician? Scott Klatt, MD Apr 15, 2019 11:21 am What are some of the biggest challenges working in the emergency department? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:07 am What kind of training and experience do the emergency physicians at the Medical Center have? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:05 am Will I have the same nurse the whole time I am in the emergency room? What can I expect from my nurse? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:03 am What if I visit the emergency room and my condition requires specialty care? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:01 am What are the most complicated conditions that can be treated in Sonora Regional Medical Center’s emergency department? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:00 am How many patients do you see in the emergency department on a typical day and what are some common conditions for the… Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 08:52 am Do the emergency department nurses have any special training? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 08:49 am What can I expect to happen when I get to the emergency department? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 08:45 am How do I know when I need to come to the emergency room? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 08:43 am If my child has a fever, when should we consider bringing her in for emergency care? Ashley Laird, MD Jan 29, 2015 11:08 am What is the standard treatment for a rattlesnake bite? Ashley Laird, MD Jan 26, 2015 03:06 pm What are some of the most common illnesses you see come through the emergency department in the summertime? Ashley Laird, MD Jan 26, 2015 03:05 pm What is your favorite thing about being an emergency physician? Ashley Laird, MD Jan 26, 2015 03:04 pm What is the difference between prompt care and emergency care? Ashley Laird, MD Jan 26, 2015 03:02 pm General Medicine / Health Insurance How do I know if my doctor will accept Covered California? Deborah Cunningham Apr 15, 2019 11:22 am How much does Covered California cost? Deborah Cunningham Jan 27, 2015 12:36 pm Who is eligible for Covered California? Deborah Cunningham Jan 27, 2015 12:37 pm Is Covered California the same as Medi-Cal? Deborah Cunningham Jan 27, 2015 11:14 am What has the hospital done in response to changes to Medi-Cal? Andrew Jahn Apr 17, 2019 03:24 pm What do changes in Medi-Cal mean for me? Will this change my access to care? Andrew Jahn Jan 26, 2015 02:40 pm What is Medi-Cal Managed Care? Andrew Jahn Jan 26, 2015 02:39 pm Why did the state transition to Medi-Cal Managed Care? Andrew Jahn Feb 13, 2015 02:34 pm General Medicine / Influenza How long do colds or flu usually last? When should someone seek medical attention? Richard Behymer, MD Apr 15, 2019 11:22 am I’ve heard that dairy products can make a cold worse. Is that true? Are some foods better than others when fighting a… Richard Behymer, MD Jan 27, 2015 04:09 pm What are the best things to do if you feel a cold or flu coming on? Richard Behymer, MD Jan 27, 2015 04:07 pm What are the best ways to prevent colds and flu? Richard Behymer, MD Jan 27, 2015 04:06 pm What is Influenza and why should I get the Flu Shot? Jacquie Cituk, PharmD, MSHM, RPh Jan 27, 2015 02:51 pm General Medicine / Men's Health Can I decrease my chanses of being diagnosed with an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer? Douglas Ankrom, MD Apr 15, 2019 11:22 am What are the symptoms of an enlarged prostate and what treatments are available? Douglas Ankrom, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:11 pm Is treatment for BPH necessary? Douglas Ankrom, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:13 pm What is BPH and what causes this condition? Can it be prevented? Douglas Ankrom, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:10 pm At what age do I need to begin to be concerned about my prostate health? Douglas Ankrom, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:09 pm How successful is treatment of prostate cancer? Douglas Ankrom, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:07 pm How common is prostate cancer? Is it an aggressive cancer? Douglas Ankrom, MD Feb 22, 2019 01:18 pm General Medicine / Otolaryngology What can I do to quiet my husband’s snoring? James Reese, MD Apr 15, 2019 11:22 am What is balloon sinuplasty? James Reese, MD Jan 27, 2015 03:02 pm What are the treatment options for sinusitis? James Reese, MD Jan 27, 2015 03:02 pm What is sinusitis? What are the symptoms? James Reese, MD Jan 27, 2015 03:00 pm What is otolaryngology? What kind of conditions do otolaryngologists treat? James Reese, MD Jan 27, 2015 03:00 pm What causes nosebleeds? What can I do to stop this nuisance? Daniel DuBose, MD Jan 27, 2015 11:04 am I feel like I get an excessive buildup of earwax? Is that unusual? What is the best way to clean out my ears? Daniel DuBose, MD Jan 27, 2015 11:04 am What ear conditions might prevent me from flying? Why do my ears hurt so much during decent? Daniel DuBose, MD Jan 27, 2015 11:02 am General Medicine / Patient Safety Are there any benefits for patients with a safe patient handling program? Kathy Murray, RN Apr 15, 2019 11:22 am Are employees required to wash their hands? What other measures do nurses take to prevent infection? Gretchen Walters, RN Jan 27, 2015 02:46 pm What are some things hospital staff can do to prevent patient falls? Gretchen Walters, RN Jan 27, 2015 02:45 pm How does technology play a role in patient safety? Gretchen Walters, RN Jan 27, 2015 02:42 pm What are some of the procedures nursing staff use to keep patients safe? Gretchen Walters, RN Jan 27, 2015 02:41 pm If I am admitted to the hospital, what are some things I or my family can do to ensure my safety? Gretchen Walters, RN Jan 27, 2015 02:41 pm What processes do hospitals utilize to make sure patients receive the right care, such as medication, surgical… Marti Carter, RN, BSN, CIC Jan 27, 2015 02:37 pm What is being done to prevent infections in hospitals? Marti Carter, RN, BSN, CIC Jan 27, 2015 02:34 pm Which is the biggest, most important area in Quality Management you strive to improve? Dixie Hukari, BSN, MSN Jan 27, 2015 12:43 pm If I am a patient and I am unhappy about an aspect of my hospital visit, what do I do or where do I go? Dixie Hukari, BSN, MSN Jan 27, 2015 12:43 pm What does the Quality Management department do at the hospital? Dixie Hukari, BSN, MSN Jan 27, 2015 12:41 pm Sonora Regional Medical Center recently won an award on quality. What does that mean for patients? Dixie Hukari, BSN, MSN Jan 27, 2015 12:42 pm How does Bar Coded Medication Administration protect patient safety? Dixie Hukari, BSN, MSN Jan 27, 2015 12:41 pm General Medicine / Physiatry What is Physiatry? Barbara Bammann, MD Apr 15, 2019 11:22 am What are some of the treatments you prescribe as a physiatrist? Barbara Bammann, MD Jan 27, 2015 08:33 am In Physiatry, what are some of the conditions you diagnose and how do you diagnose them? Barbara Bammann, MD Jan 27, 2015 08:32 am When are patients usually referred to a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist? Barbara Bammann, MD Jan 27, 2015 08:31 am General Medicine / Pulmonary Medicine What is the difference between a CPAP and BiPAP machine? Tom Taake, RT May 1, 2019 09:30 am What is a pulmonary function test? Tom Taake, RT Jan 28, 2015 12:17 pm What kind of patients do respiratory therapists help and how do they help them? Tom Taake, RT Apr 9, 2019 04:31 pm What are some of the tests you use to diagnose respiratory conditions? Artin Mahmoudi, MD Jan 26, 2015 02:57 pm What is pulmonology and what are some common conditions that pulmonologists treat? Artin Mahmoudi, MD Jan 26, 2015 02:56 pm General Medicine / Surgery Will I experience a lot of pain from surgery? Andi Coniglio, RN Apr 15, 2019 11:23 am Are there any medical conditions or illnesses that would prevent me from having surgery? Andi Coniglio, RN Jan 26, 2015 02:36 pm I am having a lot of anxiety about my upcoming surgery. Do you have any advice to help calm my nerves? Andi Coniglio, RN Jan 26, 2015 02:35 pm What is the likelihood of infection from surgery? What can reduce the risk of infection? Andi Coniglio, RN Jan 26, 2015 02:34 pm What are some of the things I can do to make sure my surgery will go well? Andi Coniglio, RN Jan 26, 2015 02:33 pm General Medicine / Venous Disease Varicose veins- Why did they come back? Do the veins re-grow? Stephen Hopkins, MD Apr 15, 2019 11:23 am What kind of complications might develop following endovenous ablation? If you’ve closed off my veins, how will blood… Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:56 am What treatments are available for venous disease? Will my condition worsen without treatment? Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:55 am Are there any measures I can take to avoid developing venous disease? Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:53 am Both my mother and father have varicose veins. Am I doomed? Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:52 am Aside from the cosmetic symptoms of venous disease, what are the dangers of living with this condition? Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:51 am What is the difference between venous disease and arterial disease? Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:49 am What is venous disease? Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:48 am General Medicine / Wound Care What are the treatments for diabetic foot ulcers? Can amputation be avoided? Eden Smith, MD Apr 15, 2019 11:23 am Do diabetic ulcers always appear on the feet? Eden Smith, MD Feb 22, 2019 01:20 pm How can diabetics prevent foot ulcers? Eden Smith, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:18 pm Why are diabetics at high risk for developing non-healing wounds? Eden Smith, MD Jan 29, 2015 11:03 am Why does diabetes cause foot ulcers? Eden Smith, MD Jan 29, 2015 11:03 am How long will it take my wound to heal? Eden Smith, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:24 pm Are antibiotics a part of treatment at the Wound Care Center? Eden Smith, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:25 pm What conditions can complicate the healing process and how does specialized wound care help? Eden Smith, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:23 pm What is off-loading and how long is it required to heal a foot ulcer? Eden Smith, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:22 pm What is a hyperbaric oxygen chamber and how does it help wounds? Eden Smith, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:25 pm I’ve had a wound for almost a year. Why won’t it heal? Eden Smith, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:21 pm General Medicine Who can treat me for a work injury? Steven Shield, MD Apr 15, 2019 11:21 am What is the Process for Receiving Treatment or Benefits Under the Workers’ Compensation system? Steven Shield, MD Jun 3, 2015 11:23 am What is the difference between a CPAP and BiPAP machine? Tom Taake, RT May 1, 2019 09:30 am What is a pulmonary function test? Tom Taake, RT Jan 28, 2015 12:17 pm What kind of patients do respiratory therapists help and how do they help them? Tom Taake, RT Apr 9, 2019 04:31 pm How can we prevent enterovirus or prepare for an outbreak? Tim Sullivan, MD, FAAP Jan 28, 2015 11:59 am What is enterovirus? Tim Sullivan, MD, FAAP Jan 28, 2015 11:57 am What is an ostomy and other questions about ostomates Hernandez, BSN, RN, CWON Teresa May 1, 2019 08:57 am What treatments are available for celiac disease? Tami Burns, RD Apr 15, 2019 11:21 am How common is celiac disease? Is celiac disease the same as wheat allergies? Tami Burns, RD Jan 28, 2015 11:33 am What is celiac disease? Tami Burns, RD Apr 9, 2019 04:41 pm Why does my big toe nail always become ingrown? Steve Jensen, DPM May 1, 2019 08:58 am Why do I have pain in my heel and what can I do about it? Steve Jensen, DPM May 1, 2019 08:58 am My grandmother is always complaining about her hammer toe. Is there anything she can do? Steve Jensen, DPM May 1, 2019 08:58 am Does the type of shoe I wear matter? Steve Jensen, DPM May 1, 2019 08:58 am Varicose veins- Why did they come back? Do the veins re-grow? Stephen Hopkins, MD Apr 15, 2019 11:23 am What kind of complications might develop following endovenous ablation? If you’ve closed off my veins, how will blood… Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:56 am What treatments are available for venous disease? Will my condition worsen without treatment? Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:55 am Are there any measures I can take to avoid developing venous disease? Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:53 am Both my mother and father have varicose veins. Am I doomed? Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:52 am Aside from the cosmetic symptoms of venous disease, what are the dangers of living with this condition? Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:51 am What is the difference between venous disease and arterial disease? Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:49 am What is venous disease? Stephen Hopkins, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:48 am What are the treatment options for hemorrhoids? Sheila Hodgson, MD May 1, 2019 09:02 am What is your favorite thing about being an emergency physician? Scott Klatt, MD Apr 15, 2019 11:21 am What are some of the biggest challenges working in the emergency department? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:07 am What kind of training and experience do the emergency physicians at the Medical Center have? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:05 am Will I have the same nurse the whole time I am in the emergency room? What can I expect from my nurse? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:03 am What if I visit the emergency room and my condition requires specialty care? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:01 am What are the most complicated conditions that can be treated in Sonora Regional Medical Center’s emergency department? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 09:00 am How many patients do you see in the emergency department on a typical day and what are some common conditions for the… Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 08:52 am Do the emergency department nurses have any special training? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 08:49 am What can I expect to happen when I get to the emergency department? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 08:45 am How do I know when I need to come to the emergency room? Scott Klatt, MD Jan 28, 2015 08:43 am How long do colds or flu usually last? When should someone seek medical attention? Richard Behymer, MD Apr 15, 2019 11:22 am I’ve heard that dairy products can make a cold worse. Is that true? Are some foods better than others when fighting a… Richard Behymer, MD Jan 27, 2015 04:09 pm What are the best things to do if you feel a cold or flu coming on? Richard Behymer, MD Jan 27, 2015 04:07 pm What are the best ways to prevent colds and flu? Richard Behymer, MD Jan 27, 2015 04:06 pm What is internal medicine? Reiker Schultz, MD Jan 27, 2015 04:00 pm Who is at most risk of being adversely affected by extreme summer heat? Reiker Schultz, MD Jan 27, 2015 03:58 pm What is asthma and what are the most common causes of asthma? Marla Elkins, FNP May 1, 2019 09:18 am Are there any benefits for patients with a safe patient handling program? Kathy Murray, RN Apr 15, 2019 11:22 am What is a safe patient handling program? Kathy Murray, RN May 1, 2019 08:57 am Are workplace injuries common in health care? Kathy Murray, RN May 1, 2019 08:57 am I has a CT why do I need an MRI Juanito Vallanueva, MD May 1, 2019 09:00 am I think I have a contrast allergy and my doctor wants me to have a contrast study. What are my options? Juanito Vallanueva, MD May 1, 2019 08:59 am I’ve heard of X-ray, CT, and MRI; how many different ways are there to take X-rays? Juanito Vallanueva, MD May 1, 2019 08:59 am What is digital mammography? Juanito Vallanueva, MD May 1, 2019 08:59 am What can I do to quiet my husband’s snoring? James Reese, MD Apr 15, 2019 11:22 am What is balloon sinuplasty? James Reese, MD Jan 27, 2015 03:02 pm What are the treatment options for sinusitis? James Reese, MD Jan 27, 2015 03:02 pm What is sinusitis? What are the symptoms? James Reese, MD Jan 27, 2015 03:00 pm What is otolaryngology? What kind of conditions do otolaryngologists treat? James Reese, MD Jan 27, 2015 03:00 pm What is the most common mistake people make when taking their medication? Jacquie Cituk, PharmD, MSHM, RPh Jan 27, 2015 02:55 pm Medications people take too much of or are overly eager to turn to? Jacquie Cituk, PharmD, MSHM, RPh Jan 27, 2015 02:54 pm Side effects from a medication, is it safe to stop taking it to make it go away? Jacquie Cituk, PharmD, MSHM, RPh Jan 27, 2015 02:54 pm What is a common deficiency you see on a regular basis? Jacquie Cituk, PharmD, MSHM, RPh Feb 13, 2015 02:31 pm What are some of the benefits for patients who utilize the pharmacies affiliated with Sonora Regional Medical Center? Sabrina Biehl Jan 27, 2015 02:52 pm What is Influenza and why should I get the Flu Shot? Jacquie Cituk, PharmD, MSHM, RPh Jan 27, 2015 02:51 pm Can sleep disorders be cured? What are the treatment options? J. Frederick Shield, MD May 1, 2019 08:58 am How are sleep disorders diagnosed? J. Frederick Shield, MD May 1, 2019 08:58 am I have trouble sleeping, how do I know what’s disrupting my sleep? Do I need to see a doctor? J. Frederick Shield, MD May 1, 2019 08:58 am Are employees required to wash their hands? What other measures do nurses take to prevent infection? Gretchen Walters, RN Jan 27, 2015 02:46 pm What are some things hospital staff can do to prevent patient falls? Gretchen Walters, RN Jan 27, 2015 02:45 pm I take a lot of medications. How can I manage side effects and know there won’t be any interactions? Martin Deilmann, MD Jan 27, 2015 02:45 pm How does technology play a role in patient safety? Gretchen Walters, RN Jan 27, 2015 02:42 pm What are some of the procedures nursing staff use to keep patients safe? Gretchen Walters, RN Jan 27, 2015 02:41 pm If I am admitted to the hospital, what are some things I or my family can do to ensure my safety? Gretchen Walters, RN Jan 27, 2015 02:41 pm What processes do hospitals utilize to make sure patients receive the right care, such as medication, surgical… Marti Carter, RN, BSN, CIC Jan 27, 2015 02:37 pm What is being done to prevent infections in hospitals? Marti Carter, RN, BSN, CIC Jan 27, 2015 02:34 pm Is hoarding a mental disorder? How common is it? Galyn Savage, PhD Apr 15, 2019 11:21 am What are the most common mental disorders? Galyn Savage, PhD Jan 27, 2015 02:31 pm What are the best ways for friends and family to support someone with mental illness? Galyn Savage, PhD Jan 27, 2015 02:30 pm What do I do if I suspect a family member has symptoms of a mental disorder? What services are available in Tuolumne… Galyn Savage, PhD Jan 27, 2015 02:30 pm What causes mental illness? Galyn Savage, PhD Jan 27, 2015 02:28 pm What are some general ways to reduce my health risks? Marla Elkins, FNP Jan 27, 2015 02:28 pm I am a 45-year-old female and it has been at least five years since my last physical. I feel pretty healthy so what can… Marla Elkins, FNP Jan 27, 2015 02:26 pm Are there any general guidelines about when to start health screenings such as mammograms and colonoscopies? What if I… Marla Elkins, FNP Jan 27, 2015 02:19 pm What level of exercise can someone with asthma perform? Marla Elkins, FNP May 1, 2019 09:15 am Will the hospitalist continue with my medical care after I am discharged from the hospital? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:38 pm Are the hospitalists at Sonora Regional Medical Center using any new technologies to make my hospital stay safer? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:37 pm Does the hospitalist program reduce medical costs? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:36 pm Do hospitalists provide care to patients admitted for inpatient surgery? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:36 pm How does the hospitalist service work at Sonora Regional Medical Center? Will my primary care physician be involved? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:35 pm How long has the hospitalist program been in place and who are the patients you care for? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:34 pm What is a hospitalist? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:32 pm What kind of training is required of the hospitalists at Sonora Regional Medical Center? Elizabeth Bradenburg, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:32 pm How do I know if my doctor will accept Covered California? Deborah Cunningham Apr 15, 2019 11:22 am How much does Covered California cost? Deborah Cunningham Jan 27, 2015 12:36 pm What are the treatments for diabetic foot ulcers? Can amputation be avoided? Eden Smith, MD Apr 15, 2019 11:23 am Do diabetic ulcers always appear on the feet? Eden Smith, MD Feb 22, 2019 01:20 pm How can diabetics prevent foot ulcers? Eden Smith, MD Jan 27, 2015 01:18 pm Why are diabetics at high risk for developing non-healing wounds? Eden Smith, MD Jan 29, 2015 11:03 am Why does diabetes cause foot ulcers? Eden Smith, MD Jan 29, 2015 11:03 am Who is eligible for Covered California? Deborah Cunningham Jan 27, 2015 12:37 pm Is Covered California the same as Medi-Cal? Deborah Cunningham Jan 27, 2015 11:14 am I am a sophomore in high school and considering a medical career. Do you have any advice? Eric Hemminger, MD Jan 26, 2015 05:02 pm What has the hospital done in response to changes to Medi-Cal? Andrew Jahn Apr 17, 2019 03:24 pm What do changes in Medi-Cal mean for me? Will this change my access to care? Andrew Jahn Jan 26, 2015 02:40 pm What is Medi-Cal Managed Care? Andrew Jahn Jan 26, 2015 02:39 pm