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Mid-September Events, Fundraisers And Activities

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There are several events, fundraisers and activities planned in September. As detailed here the Summerville and Sonora Football games are away tonight and also broadcast on 93.5 KKBN and Star 92.7 and on here.

Sagen Maddalena is making a grand return to her hometown of Groveland after placing 5th in the Olympic Games in Tokyo. As detailed here she will be at the Yosemite Lakes RV Resort today, Friday, September 17th from 4-6pm to share her Olympic Story and from 6:30-8pm she will be at the Rush Creek Lodge. Saturday red, white and blue decorated cars will meet at Tenaya Elementary School at 7:30am sharp to join Maddalena being transported around Groveland and Pine Mountain Lake by the US Army in a Humvee. At 9am, Saturday Maddalena will speak to the public about “Gun Respect” at the Yosemite Adventure Supplies, and at 11am she will be at the Groveland Pizza Factory before a 3pm paintball target shooting competition at Mary Laveroni Park.

Annual Hospice of Amador & Calaveras “Celebrate Life” Art Auction is tonight. Event tickets have sold out, Community Relations Director Wendy Mathis said, “We are absolutely thrilled to be back in person. Last year’s virtual auction was fantastic, but there’s nothing like an evening under the stars at Karmère. We have some very special drawing prizes this year — more food experiences and an abundance of original works of art and handmade items by local artisans.”

Also today at Railtown 1897 is the “The Wine & Cheese Zephyr” last ran in the mid-1990s, but brought it back for a special one-time-only event. Guests will be treated to a selection of special cheeses, wine pairings, and a dessert. Details are here. Railtown is also looking for volunteers for the Polar Express Train Ride and is hosting an open house this Saturday as detailed here. Saturday night is Movie Night at Railtown with Back to the Future III showing as detailed here.

As detailed here a dinner fundraiser called ‘Operation Washington Fire Relief’ will be held at the Mother Lode Fairgrounds Livestock area on Saturday September 18th, from 5 until 8 PM. Rockin Bar B (Authentic Texas BBQ) in Sonora, agreed to donate the food.

The Sierra Quilt Guild presents their annual quilt show as a Drive-By Event from 10am to 4 pm on Saturday. Details are in the event listing here.

Saturday at Sonora’s Courthouse Park is the second Worldwide Rally for Freedom, joining other locations around the world taking a stand for medical freedom as detailed here.

At Copper Balley Town Square the Lake Tulloch Lions Club is hosting Beer & Brats. Details are in the event listing here.

This Saturday a 5K or 10K is being held virtually and as a drive-thought event in San Ramon for 11th Annual Donate Life Nevada Organ and Tissue Donor Run/Walk. Registration has closed be more details are in the event listing here.

Sunday Columbia State Park will be the location for a fun event for dogs and their humans called “Doggie Diggins” hosted by the Sierra Tuolumne Kennel Club. There is a “Meet the Breeds,” activity, games for the dogs, information about the Kennel Club, dog training classes, and other events they hold during the year. Details are in the event listing here.

As detailed here California’s National Forests include the Stanislaus National Forest reopened after being closed for nearly a month due to dangerous fire conditions. Enhanced fire restrictions remain in place to reduce the risk of new wildland fires.

Shrek the Musical is being performed at the East Sonora Sierra Repertory Theater. Catch a play weekends through October 3rd. Movie listings in Sonora and Angels Camp are also posted here.

The Mother Lode Art Association reminds local artists that submission forms to the 67th Fine Art Show & Exhibit must be postmarked before Friday, October 1st. The Fine Art Show is a fundraiser with proceeds from entry fees, art sales, and raffle tickets going to support art education in Tuolumne County schools. In addition to their regular show, they are adding a juried student art show, and the Sonora Photo Club will be sharing images from their in-house photo contest by the Sonora Photo Club members. The show opens with an Artists Reception on Fri. October 15. There are cash prizes and eligibility and rules the entry forms are available online at
