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2012 Round-Up Queen

2012 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen - Taylor Howell

2012 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen - Taylor Howell

Taylor Howell, of Sonora, is a junior at Sonora High School and the daughter of Gary and Krista Howell.

Howell has two brothers and two sisters and has been involved in high school volleyball, swim and soccer. She is a member of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. Her future plans include attending college and majoring in business or communications.

Howell’s interests include rodeo, skiing, running and promoting athletics to youth. She also enjoys showing horses, camping, hiking, coaching and trail riding.

Howell has competed in numerous horse cutting events, barrel racing and pole bending including two years in the high school rodeo circuit. She has also participated in 4-H and gymkhana and received numerous equestrian-related awards and recognitions.

Howell said she has carried sponsor flags in past rodeos and she has ridden her horse in the Mother Lode Roundup Parade 13 times. “I missed my first rodeo in Sonora because I was 1-day-old. I haven’t missed one since.”

She added, “being part of this western tradition in Tuolumne County is a highlight for me every year. Competing for the title of Mother Lode Roundup Queen just seems natural.”

Congratulations Krista Howell! It will be a busy year and one you will never forget.
