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Extended Groveland Physical Therapy Unit Financing Tabled

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Sonora, CA — When all was said and done regarding a possible county extension of funding the Groveland Physical Therapy Unit until it can be taken over by a private party, no decision was reached this morning at the Tuolumne County Supervisors meeting.

Physical Therapist Julie Tanaka, who also operates a specialized clinic in Monterey, has presented the county with a plan to take control of the Groveland facility.

The county´s funding of the Unit is scheduled to end December 31, 2008. Tanaka states that she would not be able to assume control until March 1, 2009 at the earliest. Therein lies the rub as a two month extension would cost the county approximately $25,000 according to Clerk and Auditor Debi Russell.

Supervisor Mark Thornton made a motion that was seconded by Supervisor Teri Murrison to table the issue until December 9 and seek a funding source exclusive of the General Fund.

Board Chair Dick Pland and CAO Craig Pedro then discussed the possibility of presenting a grant to the Sonora Area Foundation prior to 5pm, Wednesday, November 26 deadline. Pedro thought that was possible.

In addition both Pland and Pedro will seek to schedule a meeting with the Economic Development Authority to discuss potential funding options.

Written by Bill Johnson
