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PML Board Survives Recall Election

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Groveland, CA — Following months of back and forth debate in the community, often on social media channels, the Pine Mountain Lake Association Board of Directors survived a recall threat.

We reported last month that a group of members of the association were upset over aspects of the $2.5-million renovation of the PML bar and grill, along with alleged board violations of the homeowner association’s bylaws. Days later, we followed up with a story in which supporters of the board responded to the concerns.

1,717 ballots were cast in the recall election, and the association reports that the final count was 1,006 in favor of keeping the current board, 668 wanting a recall, and the remaining votes were either abstaining or declared ineligible.

Per bylaws, the association must hold a yearly election, and this year it was postponed due to the recall election. Two seats, with terms expiring, will be on a November 16 ballot. They are held by and Nick Stauffacher and Karen Hopkins.  Both have indicated that they will seek re-election, and it will be known during the middle of next month if other candidates emerge to challenge them.

As for the contentious grill renovation, it reopened about a week ago on a limited basis, serving only dinner, with plans to be fully operational in September.

Written by BJ Hansen and Tori James
