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Calaveras High To Graduate 208 Seniors

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San Andreas, CA — 208 seniors will graduate from Calaveras High School Wednesday evening and in the process, say goodby to the San Andreas campus.

Principal Rick Stitts describes the Class of 2009 as, “Certainly one of the most socially conscious groups I’ve encountered. They have been instrumental in promoting and building our recycling program here on campus, being active in the community in trash cleanup and adopting a section of highway. They have certainly been more aware of global issues than other classes.”

“A number of them are planning on going into some type of social work, some kind of environmental science with a goal of making the world a better place in which to live for all of us. Also a number of seniors are planning on a teaching career which is always gratifying. They’re really a service oriented group of kids.”

As far as senior activites are concerned Stitt says, “Wednesday will begin with a senior breakfast to be followed by a rally, a senior slide show and graduation practice. The commencement ceremonies will get underway at 7:30pm with Sober Grad Night to follow at nine o’clock.”

