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Winterizing Yosemite’s Giant Sequoias

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Yosemite, CA – Beginning next weekend the only way for visitors to access the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias will be on foot.

Yosemite National Park will implement winter operations in the grove on Friday, November 30, meaning that the area will be closed to automobiles for the winter season. Additionally, the Mariposa Grove Shuttle Service will also shut down. For travelers who still want to experience the magnificent trees, they can use the South Entrance Parking Area and walk to and through the grove.

Visitors can also warm up at the visitor contact station and gift shop in the Depot at Mariposa Grove, which will remain open for the winter, weather and road conditions permitting. The Depot’s hours during December will be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. It will be closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. The hours and days of operation in January and February may vary depending upon weather and road conditions, according to park officials.

Travelers during the winter season should be prepared for chain control or temporary closures due to hazardous driving conditions. Park officials advise that chains are required in vehicles, even if it has four-wheel drive, and tire chains may be required at any time based on conditions.

Visitors can call 209-372-0200 for 24-hour updated road and weather conditions in the park.

  • Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias restoration project at Yosemite