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Tuolumne County Supervisors Making Last Minute Budget Additions

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Sonora, CA — The Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors reached consensus this morning to add some extra funding into the final spending plan.

It includes $37,573 for the Recreation Department to keep an activity coordinator position and summer sports camps going and $21,915 to the library for the bookmobile and relief salaries. In addition, $35,000 will go to fund the county’s outside water consultant, John Mills. The SWIFT team, which helps with fire prevention projects in the region, will receive $9,000 to offset a loss of federal Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act funding. The Highway 108 Fire Safe Council will receive $25,000 to help hire an Executive Coordinator. The Tuolumne County Arts Alliance will receive $35,000 to go towards their projects and efforts, which is a decline of $10,000 from the last fiscal year budget.

CAO Craig Pedro noted that the additional spending, just over $164,000, will drop the contingency reserve fund to $793,793.

The five supervisors collectively voiced support for the additional items, and the formal vote will be taken later this afternoon. The overall county budget for fiscal year 2017/18 will be just over $204,000,000 and the General Fund budget just over $74,000,000.
