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CA Stepping Up Water Conservation Rules

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Sonora, CA — The California Water Resources Control Board passed “emergency water conservation measures” in response to the ongoing drought.

It includes a ban on watering lawns outside of places like commercial buildings, spaces managed by homeowners associations, and institutions like hospitals, colleges and government buildings.

The ban does not apply to places like parks, sports fields and residential lawns.

The new statewide restrictions take effect on June 10.

In addition, water suppliers are directed to plan for continued dry conditions. It includes starting to limit outdoor water use to certain days or hours, increasing patrolling to identify water waste, and increasing communication to customers about the importance of conservation. The goal is to reduce water use by 20-percent.

Governor Gavin Newsom is responding to the decision, stating, “California is facing a drought crisis and every local water agency and Californian needs to step up on conservation efforts. I am hopeful the measures enacted by the State Water Board will lead to a reduction of water use across the state.”
