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DMV Disruption

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San Andreas, CA – It is the first day for illegal immigrants to apply for a driver’s license in California and already some are being turned away.

A person who had been waiting in line at the San Andreas Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) reports a DMV employee told the crowd of nearly 80 people that the statewide driver’s license computer system went down and it may not be fixed today.  The employee added that the people could wait to see if the system comes back online, but urged the crowd it would be better to come back tomorrow.  The DMV has not put out any official word on what caused the system to crash or how long it will take to fix the problem.

Earlier the DMV announced the number of people making appointments for licenses more than doubled in the state when immigrants were allowed to sign up.  The state has projected that nearly 1.4 million people will seek a license in the first three years of the program.



  • People wait for a computer problems to be fixed at the San Andreas DMV office