Supervisors Approve New Voter System
Tuolumne County Supervisors had a full agenda in front of them when they convened Tuesday morning.
County lawmakers considered approval of $23,000 to set up an agreement for a voter tabulation system and service.
They approved the item by a 5-to-0 vote. The board passed the addendum response by Tuolumne General Hospital Administrator Barry Woerman, to the 2001-2002 grand jury report and waived the ceiling of five and a half million dollars for the month of October for T.G.H.´s Fiscal Operations.
The Board considered the awarding of consulting contracts for several building projects including the Phoenix Lake Road Bridge, the LaGrange Road Bridge and the Jamestown Pedestrian Project. A completion date of November 15 was recommended and approved for the Jamestown Pedestrian Project.
The next Board of Supervisors meeting is scheduled for November 5th.