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Televisions Remain A Hot Item During Slow Economy

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Angels Camp, CA — A shrinking number of new homes have been built in the Mother Lode over the past year, which has had a negative trickle down effect on sales for home appliances.

The market´s one bright spot may be the demand for new televisions.

?We´ve been selling a lot of flat panel TV´s,? says Bob Middleton of Middleton´s Furniture and Appliance in Angels Camp. ?People are staying at home more and deciding to buy one major gift and having that be a flat panel television. The price has also dropped down to where they are more affordable.?

According to a survey released last month by the Leichtman Research Group, 34% of American households now have at least one flat screen set. Studies show that nationwide, the average price of an LCD flat panel television has dropped nearly 16% in the past year.

Middleton adds that the increased demand may also have to do with the transition to digital television that is set to begin on February 17th. It will make many older sets obsolete or require an analog device.

Written by BJ Hansen
