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Cogdill Feels California Missed An Opportunity For Budget Reform

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Sonora, CA — Having been one of the “Big Five” lawmakers that helped broker the recent budget compromise, Republican State Senator Dave Cogdill says he is “disappointed” that five of the six ballot measures went down in defeat on Tuesday.

“I can’t say I’m surprised, but I think we missed a real opportunity to take some major steps forward in budget reform,” says Cogdill. “1A failing is probably the biggest disappointment to me.”

Proposition 1A would have extended temporary tax increases, but also create a cap on state spending.

“The attitude of the voters is understandable because these are difficult times,” he adds.

Cogdill says lawmakers will need to come up with other solutions. He says it is important that the state protects areas like public safety and public health, and focuses cuts on other parts of the budget.

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