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Leaping For A National Audience

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Angels Camp, CA– The Calaveras County Fairgrounds and Jumping Frog Jubilee will be featured on NBC’s Today Show next week.

Fair Spokesperson, Mindy Bach says on Wednesday, August 31st, the nationwide television morning show will feature the famous jumping frogs during a segment on county fairs. All four news anchors will be jumping frogs in the plaza at Rockefeller Center while Frogtown representatives comment on video clips of the annual event.

Frogtown will also be announcing on the Today Show the start of “LEAP”, which stands for “Let Every American Participate.” It’s aimed to help Americans reconnect with Mark Twain’s famed jumping frog celebration during the 2012 fair.

“We’re going to talk about LEAP, our frog jockey program,” said Bach. “Anyone in the world can go on our website, select one of our wonderful little frog jockeys from the schools of Calaveras County that will jump a frog for them during next year’s fair.”

Bach says LEAP frog jockeys are youth throughout Calaveras County who will be professionally trained by the Frog Jump Committee.

Online entrants will be able to select a name for their frog and choose which frog jockey they want to use, as well as direct their jockey on how to “handle” their frogs when persuading them to jump.

For more information on LEAP, visit the Frogtown website at

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