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Berryhill Optimistic About Budget Negotiations

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Sacramento, CA — District 14 Senator Tom Berryhill is optimistic that California lawmakers could soon strike a budget deal.

Governor Jerry Brown said this week that he had ended all budget talks with Republicans because the two sides were far apart. The Governor is hoping for a ballot measure that would ask voters to extend temporary tax increases to sales, personal income and vehicle licensing fees implemented under Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. It would take a 2/3 vote of the legislature to place the proposal on the ballot, so a couple of Republicans would have to vote in favor in both the Senate and Assembly.

Senator Berryhill is one of only a handful of Republicans that have been involved in the negotiations with the Governor and believes that serious talks will pick up again shortly. Berryhill is asking for additional ballot measures to be included in the budget deal. Notably, Berryhill is hoping for reforms to the state’s public employee pension system and a state spending cap.

“The Governor’s done a sincere job in trying to move the state forward, and I know he’s frustrated, like we all are,” says Berryhill “As the case is in many of these negotiations and talks, when things get urgent, it is when things finally come together. So I think this weekend, or early next week, something could happen.”

When it comes to the creation of state spending cap, Berryhill says, “Working families have to live within their means, and this bill would force California to live within its means. It would be a home run for future generations, and I’m really excited about the prospect of making it part of this deal.”

Berryhill feels there is still time to reach a compromise and send the proposals to the ballot during a special election this summer.

  • Tom Berryhill