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Water Bond Vote Delayed

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Sacramento, CA — California voters will wait a couple more years to decide whether to pass an $11 billion water bond.

Rather than place it on the November ballot, lawmakers voted yesterday to postpone a decision until 2014. Lawmakers felt that this was not the time to ask taxpayers to take on more debt, given the ongoing financial issues in the state. The bond measure was authored by former Senator Dave Cogdill in 2010. A vote was later pushed to 2012, at the recommendation of former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and it has now been delayed two additional years. The bond measure would help fund additional storage, and water conservation programs.

It will be a crowded ballot this November with various tax initiatives. At the top will be a proposal by Governor Jerry Brown to increase the sales tax, and bump up income taxes on earners making over $250K.

  • California Statehouse