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Delay California Water Vote?

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Sacramento, CA — A vote on California’s proposed $11 billion water bond will likely be delayed once again.

The water package was initially scheduled to go before voters in 2010, but was delayed because proponents thought it had little chance of passing due to the down economy. Then District 14 Republican Senator Dave Cogdill, who represented Tuolumne County, was instrumental in drawing up the package. It was praised by many at the time, including Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The Associated Press reports that Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg told reporters yesterday that the priority this November is promoting Gov. Jerry Brown’s plan to raise taxes to help state programs and cut the deficit.

Steinberg indicated that the water package will be put on hold until 2014. The water bond is designed to upgrade the state’s aging infrastructure. Some opponents have recently proposed scaling down the water bond, arguing that it is filled with “pork” projects.

  • California State Capitol