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Roadwork On Highway 49, 120, and 26

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In addition to monitoring snow conditions Caltrans has several areas of road work  planned. The detailed scheduled work below may change due to weather, traffic, availability of equipment and other issues.

On Highway 49 from Moccasin Creek to Bear Valley the left and right shoulders will be closed for drainage work on Wednesday. The work is scheduled from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM and may cause 5-minute delays. Also on Highway 49 from the Tuolumne and Mariposa County line ten miles to Montezuma Road Roailroad look for traffic to be limited to one-way for road striping that will cause 10 minute delays. The work is scheduled Monday through Friday from 6 AM to 7 PM.

In Tuolumne and Mariposa on Highway 49 pavement marker replacement will close one of the lanes from HWY 120 to Mount Bullion Cutoff Road. The work is scheduled for Tuesday through Thursday from 9 AM to 4 PM. At the Sonora Creek Bridge on HWY 49 be aware of work on the right shoulder. The long-term shoulder work began April 3 and is scheduled through April 30. Also on HWY 49 from Jack Page Road to the Stevenot Bridge over New Melones expect 10 minute delays and one-way traffic control as road striping is done. The work is planned Monday through Friday nights from 8 PM to 6 AM.

On Highway 120 in Tuolumne there will be slope repair and clearing limiting traffic to one lane and causing delays of 10-minutes. The area is from the South Fork Tuolumne Bridge to Goldeen Arrow Road. The slope repair work is scheduled to begin Monday at 7 AM and go until 5 PM each day through Saturday. Also on HWY 120 crews will be inspecting the Tuolumne River Bridge which may limit traffic to one lane and delay it for 10 minutes Thursday and Friday from 9 AM to 2:30 PM.

As reported here, Highway 26 remains closed from Deardorff Road to Wood House Mine Road. The closure affects those traveling between Glencoe and West Point in Calaveras. A rock and dirt slide has kept the road shutdown since the February 14th and emergency repairs will be an estimated $2.4 million. There is no end date for the work yet. Another area of work in Calaveras on Highway 26 will be tree work from Rich Gulch Lane to Ridge Road. The work may cause 10 minute delays from 9 AM to 3 PM on Friday, April 12.
