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Second Saturday Of April Events

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There are many events listed for this second weekend of April.

Moccasin’s biggest event the Trout Fest at the Moccasin Creek Hatchery begins Saturday at 10:00am. As stated in the event listing the free event is for, “People of all ages to learn the ABCs of trout fishing.” Activities include: trout anatomy and dissection, kinds under 15 can catch fish, feed the fish, do art and carnival activities, and go through the river maze. There will also be information about the art of fly fishing and fly tying. Details are in the Trout Fest event listing here.

The 14th annual Calaveras Children’s Fair will be held at Bret Harte High School from 10:00am. The event is hosted by The Resource Connection and celebrates “The Week of the Young Child” a nationwide event. The free event draws hundreds of families each year and is one of the largest collaborative children’s events in Calaveras. Activities include; obstacle courses, music, games, arts and crafts, infant/toddler tumble play zone, kid’s farmers market, reading tent and more. For contact information view the Calaveras Children’s Fair event listing here.

The Columbia Airport Young Eagles Rally begins Saturday at 9:00am. Toulumne County EAA Chapter 1337 pilots will take kids 8 to 17 years for a short flight around Tuolumne County. Kids who have flown Young Eagles in the past are invited to fly again! For details view the Young Eagles Rally event listing here.

It is Sonora’s 2nd Saturday Art Night featuring the art of more than 100 local artists. The event is throughout historic downtown, with more than 15 live music acts performing from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.

The public is invited to the Delta Blood Bank conference room for Two movies and lunch. They will be showing “Pink Smoke over the Vatican” and “Shut Down the School of the Americas”. The films were recommended by former priest Roy Bourgeois, keynote speaker, Sonora’s 2013 MLK Celebration. Details are available in the event listing here.

Saturday there is an Open House for the ATCAA mentoring program from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.

Learn more about becoming a mentor at the Junction Starbucks from current mentor-protege teams and others. More information is in the event listing here.

For Bingo, Bunko and Breakfasts events view all 21 events listed this Saturday here.
