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Hitting The Slopes

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Bear Valley, CA – Giving the credit to Mother Nature, Bear Valley announced its ski resort is open today just in time for the Christmas Holiday weekend.

This week four inches of snow falling and cold temperatures helped to cinch the deal enabling the chair lifts to be turned on today. That means skiing and snowboarder enthusiasts can get some runs in before the unwrapping of present and feasting on Christmas Day.

Bear Valley Resort officials state that the snowmaking team has been working to build the snow base while cold weather patterns should continue to support high snowmaking production levels. Along with the base and beginner areas, the snowmaking focus is on Mokelumne West, according to management, which indicates that getting a run off the top of the mountain open as soon as possible is a top priority. The doors open at 8:00 a.m.

Dodge Ridge has not yet advised when it may open its slopes for the winter season.

  • Bear Valley Resort chair lift