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Blow To Producers Of Powdered Alcohol

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Sacramento, CA — The push to ban the product moves one step closer to becoming a state law as a bill passes in the Senate.

Nicknamed “Palcohol,” the freeze dried powdered comes in a small pouch and equals a shot of alcohol once mixed with water. This week, the Senate voted unanimously in favor of SB 819. The bill was authored by Senator Bob Huff (R-San Dimas) who worries that although the product isn’t sold in stores yet, labeling was approved by the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau in 2014. He states, “This product must not be allowed to reach store shelves. It presents an array of potential health problems as it can be snorted, added to energy drinks, slipped to unknowing recipients, or even added to beverages already containing alcohol in an attempt to create a dangerously potent concoction.”

Huff adds that if passed, California would join 29 other states ban or restrict the sale of this dangerous product. The bill now moves to the State Assembly.
