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Californians Opinions On Hot Button Topics

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Sacramento, CA — A new poll shows the state’s views on issues like marijuana, high speed rail, and tax increases.

The survey was conducted by the Public Policy Institute of California, in partnership with the James Irvine Foundation. As some states have now legalized marijuana for recreational use, the poll found that 53% of those surveyed feel that the drug should be legalized in the state, and 45% are in opposition. It noted that 59% of adults without children under the age of 18 support the idea, while 54% of parents oppose it.

The poll found that more Californians are now opposed to high speed rail. 47% favor the project and 48% are opposed.

The Proposition 30 increase on sales tax, and income tax for those making over $250,000 is scheduled to expire in 2018. 51% of those surveyed support extending the increase temporarily. However, when asked if the tax increases should be extended “permanently”, only 35% were in favor.

President Obama and Governor Jerry Brown both received 55% approval rating among those surveyed. Californians still disapprove of the U.S. Congress, with only 24% approval.

Other notable findings include that 52% of Californians have a favorable view of the federal Affordable Care Act, 60% view global warming as a serious problem, 70% support President Obama’s Executive Order on Immigration, 57% feel they are paying more taxes than they should, and 54% support building the Keystone Pipeline.

  • California Statehouse