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Tuolumne County Identifies Potential Location For New Law And Justice Center

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Sonora, Ca — The Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors will vote on Tuesday whether to purchase 48 acres of land, south of Hwy 108, for a new Law and Justice Center.

CAO Craig Pedro says the proposed area is near the intersection of Old Wards Ferry Rd. and the Highway 108 Bypass. Pedro says it would give the County enough land to build a new Law and Justice Center, and this would include the courthouse, District Attorney´s Office, Sheriff´s Office, jail, juvenile detention center, etc.

Pedro says the County has been in discussion with the landowners for the past five or six years, and this would be the culmination of the long process.

The total price for the properties would be approximately $4.2 million. Pedro says the money would come from the County´s Criminal Justice Construction Fund. The County would still need to find funding to construct the Justice Center.

Written by BJ Hansen
