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Calaveras Fair And Jumping Frog Jubilee Revving Up

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Angels Camp, CA — The 2007 Calaveras County Fair and Jumping Frog Jubilee is revving up once again with the event planned for May 16 through the 20th.

This year´s theme is Grapes A Stompin´, Frogs A Hoppin´.

Applications for the Miss Calaveras Scholarship Pageant are due March 30. Contestants must be between 17 and 23 years old and a resident of Calaveras.

The fair is also seeking Junior Fairboard members to serve as ambassadors at the event. Applications are due February 15.

Contestants are also being sought for the Saddle Queen Scholarship Competition, in which young women compete in horsemanship.

For more information contact the fair at (209) 736-2561 or visit

Written by Vanessa Turner.
