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Planning Commission Schedules Public Hearing For Law And Justice EIR

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Sonora, CA – The Final Environmental Impact Report is finished for the Tuolumne County Law and Justice Center.

The proposed project on Old Wards Ferry Rd. would include a Juvenile Detention Facility, Probation office, Sheriff-Coroner office, Adult Detention facility, Superior Courts building, District Attorney’s office, Public Defender’s office and a CHP office.

Listed in the 92 page report, potential environmental impacts include the obstruction of views from surrounding hillsides, creation of substantial light and glare that would affect nighttime views, the loss of farmland set aside for agricultural use, and interfering with habitats. It also lists what the county would do in order to reduce and try to eliminate impacts to the environment.

The Tuolumne County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the report on August 19th at 7pm in the Supervisors Chambers.

Written by bjhansen@mlode.com.
