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Chamber PAC Endorses Candidates

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Sonora, CA — The Tuolumne County Chamber of Commerce’s Independent Political Action Committee is endorsing candidates in anticipation of the June 8th Primary.

The following candidates are being endorsed. Included is a brief statement from the Chamber of Commerce:

Sonora City Council (two open seats)

Hank Russell-Has served the City well during his term in office. Hank’s business background makes him well suited for a councilman. He thinks tourism is an important part of economic development, but would like to see more job opportunity diversity.

Matt Hawkins-Matt is young and full of energy and ideas for the city. He would work to have more job diversification. Strong supporter of downtown Sonora and would like to see more activities to stimulate business. Feels he would be objective when analyzing the cities budget.

(Other candidates running are Gary Anderson and Jim Garaventa)

Supervisor District 2

Randell Hanvelt-Although the incumbent has done a satisfactory job, this candidate brings much more business sense to the supervisor position. He feels there has been a perception of the county being not business friendly and would work to change that and take care of the customers. Jobs are his top priority and he is adamant about the county not spending money if they don’t have it.

(The other candidate running is Paolo Maffei)

Supervisor District 3

Evan Royce-Born and raised in the Twain Harte area, public safety and jobs are his top priorities. Feels certain some county departments are perceived as anti business and would work to change that and make them more business friendly. Favors the Economic Development Authority and feels technology is an industry we should pursue.

(The other candidates running are Dave Bonnot and Bob Fulcher)


Jim Mele-The TCCCIPAC feels that the current sheriff has done a good job and should be reelected.

(The other candidate running is Tom Memmer)

No position was taken on this position.

The Chamber Board of Directors is making the following recommendations related to ballot measures with a brief statement that explains the reasoning.

Measure A&B-Increase in Transient Occupancy Tax– Support

-Increases by 2% the amount charged to visitors who book rooms in the City and County. Will increase the amount of money going to the Visitors Bureau to expand marketing of the area and will help government pay for some of the impacts, such as roads and law enforcement, tourists have on infrastructure.

Proposition 13-Limits on property tax assessment. Seismic retrofitting of existing buildings -Support

-Provides that construction to seismically retrofit buildings will not trigger reassessment of property tax value. Sets statewide standard for seismic retrofit improvements that qualify.

Proposition 14-California top two candidates open primary act – Oppose

-Reforms the primary election process for congressional, statewide, and legislative races. Allows all voters to choose any candidate regardless of the candidate’s or voters political party preference. Ensures that the two candidates receiving the greatest number of votes will appear on the general election ballot regardless of party preference.

Proposition 15-California fair election act – Oppose

-Would institute a pilot program of publicly financed elections for the office of California Secretary of State. The publicly-financed election would be funded by taxing lobbyists, lobbying firms and lobbyist employers. The measure is currently the subject of litigation.

Proposition 16-Taxpayers right to vote act – No Position

-Requires two-thirds voter approval before local governments provide electricity service to new customers or establish a community choice electricity program using public funds or bonds.

Proposition 17-Continuous coverage auto insurance discount act – Oppose

-Changes current law to permit insurance companies to offer a discount to drivers who have continuously maintained their auto insurance coverage, even if they change their insurance company, and notwithstanding the ban on using the absence of prior insurance for purposes of pricing. The Chamber objects to any break in continuous coverage nullifies the discount.

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