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CCWD Chooses New GM

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San Andreas, CA — Calaveras County Water District’s board of directors did not have to go far to tap in a new general manager.

CCWD officials announce today that the board today approved a hiring contract for Utica Water and Power Authority (UWPA) General Manager Michael Minkler, who will take over operations at CCWD from Interim Manager Jeffrey Meyer on Feb. 19. Meyer was brought in to temporarily replace Dave Eggerton, CCWD’s GM of four years, who back in November assumed duties as Executive Director of the Association of California Water Agencies, as reported here. Minkler’s starting salary will be $160,000 plus benefits.

Originally hailing from Oakhurst, Minkler earned a law degree from UC Davis in 2009 and specializes on land use and CEQA matters. A Coast Guard veteran, he earned a bachelor’s degree in international studies and a master’s in international environmental policy from the Monterey Institute before attending Davis. Moving his family to Arnold from Sacramento in 2013, Minkler and his wife Nancy, also an attorney, set up a joint practice and began serving as legal counsel for the Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company in Arnold and UWPA. In November 2015, he hired on as UWPA’s GM.

Board Pleased With Candidate Pool, Final Pick

After reviewing numerous applications, the board conducted its final interviews in mid-December. “We were extremely fortunate to choose from a capable pool of candidates,” Board President Russ Thomas confides. “After careful consideration, we’re certain that Michael Minkler is the right person for the job…I feel very good about the possibility of him being with us for a good long while.” Continuing, Thomas shares, “I am pleased that Michael lives locally, is a dedicated family man and has a vested interest in Calaveras County…CCWD has worked with UWPA over the past few years and Michael has proven himself to be an effective leader, diligent in his duties and a skilled communicator.”

Minkler says he is eager to assume his new role, adding he strongly believes in a team mentality in order to provide the best possible service to customers. “The safety and well-being of staff will always be my first consideration,” Minkler states, adding that is closely followed by providing safe, quality service to the district’s customers. “I will make sure we are doing everything we can to be efficient and exploring ways to generate non-rate revenue to keep expenses as low as possible.”

CCWD’s new GM says will also focus on preserving and protecting water rights, capital improvement projects, implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), exploring hydropower opportunities, and building trust with other county stakeholders. “Under Dave Eggerton’s leadership, CCWD made tremendous progress in rebuilding relationships with other local water agencies,” he states. “I intend to advance that collaborative approach because it enables us in the water industry to better serve our communities.”
