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Still No Check

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San Andreas, CA — Calaveras County Sheriff Dennis Downum was in Sacramento today meeting with the Corrections Standards Authority regarding funding for the new jail project.

Calaveras County is set to receive $26 million in AB 900 funding, but there are concerns about the state’s ability to sell bonds. The Calaveras County Supervisors have suspended design work on the jail for one month in hopes of getting a guarantee that funding is on the way.

“They’ve (C.S.A.) created teams to work specifically with counties on projects, and to answer a lot of our questions and concerns,” says Downum. “We certainly didn’t walk away with any checks or in-stone guarantees, but just the fact that there is some energy and excitement is very helpful.”

Downum is hoping the Supervisors will choose to move forward with the jail project.

“It depends on if they (Supervisors) want to be optimistic or pessimistic,” he claims. “I’m very happy with today’s meeting, just because there’s some movement.”

Downum expects that officials with the C.S.A. will meet with the jail project manager and CAO Jeanne Boyce in the coming weeks to get answers about funding for the project.

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