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Supervisors: Bring Additional Alternatives

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Sonora, CA — Tuolumne County postponed a vote on the redistricting of the supervisorial boundaries.

Supervisor Dick Pland was the first member to voice a complaint, that the Cuesta Surena subdivision would be split up, and a portion would move from his District Five over to John Gray’s District Four. Pland stated that those residents drive on the same roads everyday and face similar issues. Gray agreed that it “makes sense” to keep the entire subdivision in one district.

District Two Supervisor Randy Hanvelt would lose over 1,400 residents to District Three and Four, but then add 988 residents from District One. Hanvelt estimated that over 80 percent of the residents affected by the redistricting would either be coming into or out of his district. He argued that the Board should have received different alternatives to select from, rather than just one final map.

The redistricting issue was continued until the next meeting. The Supervisors have directed county staff to bring forward additional alternatives at that time.

The boundaries are redrawn every 10 years.

Additional details on redistricting can be found at county’s website by clicking here.


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