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Street Drug Causes Hospitalizations

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Sonora, CA–  A new street drug often called “bath salts”, “white lightening” or “ivory wave” has made its way to Tuolumne County.

According to Tuolumne County Health Officer Todd Stolp, people experimenting with this drug are suffering serious injuries and hospitalizations. The toxic powder known by chemists as MDPV, is also known to cause hallucinations, rapid heart rate and paranoia.

Stolp says the chemical has been inhaled, injected, smoked or swallowed, and all methods may lead to poisoning.

Some states are seeking urgent steps to make this chemical illegal because it’s being purchased from stores specifically to be abused as a drug.  In Louisiana the drug was outlawed by an emergency order after more than 125 calls were received by the state poison control center.

Investigations are underway in the Mother Lode to determine where the crystals are being purchased. The Tuolumne County Health Department urges anyone that is aware of any local sales or use of this drug, to notify the appropriate authorities.

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