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Sonora Residents Needed To Participate In Critical Survey

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Sonora, CA — If you live in the City of Sonora, your help is needed by city officials to remain in compliance with California residential housing and planning laws.

Under state law, all local governments must plan to meet the housing needs of everyone within their communities. The way they legally satisfy this requirement and are able to fulfill these obligations is through adopting and updating a Housing Element every five years as part of their General Plan.

The City of Sonora is currently in the process of updating its Housing Element by sending residents a Housing Condition Survey. City officials are stressing to residents the importance of participating in this critical information-gathering process and request everyone to complete and return the survey they will soon be receiving on or before May 17.

Anyone who does not shortly get the survey and those with questions or wanting more information should contact the City of Sonora Community Development Department at 209 532-3508.
