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McClintock Speaks On Second Amendment

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Washington D.C. — Local Congressman Tom McClintock shares his views on preventing more mass shooting incidents like the one at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida that killed 17 and injured 17 this February.

McClintock shares what he believes works and what hasn’t worked and states, “No one gives a second thought to an armed guard at a bank to protect our money.  But any suggestion that armed guards should protect our children at school is met with hoots of derision.” He also says, “In fifty years of experience with gun laws, we have found them extremely effective at disarming law-abiding citizens.”

McClintock applauds neighborhood watch programs and notes, “Wise and effective laws take the world as it is, not as we wish it would be.”  The congressman provides more details on why he believes gun control laws have “produced the bloody legacy we now endure and returning to them is the only sure path to preventing more Parklands.” Read his blog here.

A new blog from local State Senator Tom Berryhill provides an update on water storage projects and their proposed funding which will fall short of what is needed to construct them. Details are here.

  • Tom McClintock