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Governor Brown Slams Trump’s Healthcare Plan

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Washington, DC — While visiting Capitol Hill this morning, Governor Jerry Brown pulled no punches when talking about the Republican plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.

California’s Governor joined Democratic leaders on the steps of the US Capitol to recognize the seventh anniversary of the passage the federal Affordable Care Act.

Brown was joined by former Vice President Joe Biden, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and others.

Brown spoke loudly into the microphone, saying, “I came from California to tell the truth about this fake healthcare bill. This is not about healthcare reform…this is about disease, death and suffering. Mr. Trump, come down from Trump Tower, walk among the people, and see the damage that this latest exercise in raw political power will wreck on the women, the men, and the children of this country.”

Brown claimed that millions of Californians would lose healthcare benefits if the Republican plan becomes law.

The Governor added, “This is a dangerous bill, and it is written by people who don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. It is so big, and is so complicated, that I doubt that any member of Congress on the Republican side has even read it.”

The fiery speech from Governor Brown drew the praise of the final speaker, former Vice President Biden. After speaking additional concerns he has about the GOP proposal, Biden concluded, “I had planned on saying a lot more, but the truth of the matter is Jerry Brown summed it up. As a matter of fact, he got me so cranked up I was about to take my tie off.”

Biden added that he feels Brown is the “best Governor” in the United States.

President Donald Trump has been meeting with Republican leaders this week in hopes of securing enough votes to replace and repeal Obamacare. Some main points of Republican legislation are removing the requirement to purchase health insurance, rolling back the expansion of Medicaid insurance for lower income residents, and replacing subsidies within the Affordable Care Act with fixed tax credits for people to buy health insurance on the open market.

  • Governor Jerry Brown Speaks At US Capitol