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Status Of Water In Tuolumne

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Sonora, CA — It is unknown when rain will restore water levels to normal, but the Tuolumne Utilities District (TUD) has dropped from Phase III to Phase II Mandatory Water Restrictions. TUD Spokesperson Lisa Westbrook says, “The community and TUD customers have done an outstanding job with water conservation during this historic drought. Now that Labor Day has passed, TUD is able to receive water through its agreement with PG&E from Pinecrest Lake.”

As reported here, at the September 9th meeting the board voted unanimously to drop the mandatory 25% conservation measures placed on its customers and implement the Phase II restrictions adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board in July.

The most notable change for customers in dropping to Phase II conservation:

  • Outdoor irrigation be reduced to no more than twice a week (no restrictions on days)
  • No application of potable water (tap water) to any driveway or sidewalk
  • When washing a vehicle, use a hose with a shut-off nozzle
  • Do not allow potable water to water outdoor landscapes in a manner that causes runoff to adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, private and public walkways, roadways, parking lots or structures.

On September 2nd Tuolumne Board of Supervisors voted to extend the drought emergency. Conservation tips from Vera Strader, UCCE Master Gardener of Tuolumne County Tuolumne County are in her article Alternative Solutions To California Water Woes. The Calaveras County Water District is still under Stage 3 water restrictions as detailed here.
