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Water Maintenance Outage For Murphys and Angels Camp

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Calaveras County, CA – An annual water maintenance outage will take place through the month of November, but water will still flow from customers’ taps.

Low flows in the creek running through Murphys and Angels Camp may be noticeable to residents while the Utica Water and Power Authority (Utica) performs its annual scheduled maintenance outage. Water from the North Fork Stanislaus River that normally flows from Avery to Angels Camp through Utica’s 27-mile-long water conveyance system will be shut off.

Uticac crews working on rebuilding flumes during maintenance outages in past years
Utica photo

With no water flowing through the system, construction crews will tear out old wooden flumes and rebuild them with new materials. Shotcrete (concrete sprayed through a hose) will also be used to line sections of the canal to reduce water loss due to leakage. Additionally, the maintenance crew will be making repairs and upgrades to the powerhouses in both communities.

To avert impacts to customers, Utica officials detail that minimum flows will be released from its reservoir storage to provide water to the Union Public Utility District and City of Angels Camp. Also, on weekends in the month, the water may be turned back on for a day or two to refill storage reservoirs.

Further information or questions regarding the maintenance outage, can be directed to Utica at admin@uticawater.com or (209) 736-9419.

  • Uticac crews working on rebuilding flumes during maintenance outages in past years
  • Uticac crews working on rebuilding flumes during maintenance outages in past years