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McClintock: The Southern Border Crisis

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Congressman Tom McClintock recently spoke on the US House Floor.

McClintock was Tuesday’s KVML “Newsmaker of the Day”. Here are his words:

“Mr. Speaker:

Last year, we finally achieved operational control of our southern border for the first time in decades. The Trump Administration had made it clear that our border would be enforced, and illegal immigration dropped dramatically.

That all ended on January 20th, when Joe Biden issued executive orders to stop deporting illegal immigrants, abandon the border wall, to admit anyone claiming to be under 18, and rescinding the remain in Mexico policy for asylum claims. That message has been heard loud and clear. The border patrol reported more than 100,000 encounters in February alone. That’s the entire population of South Bend, Indiana or Green Bay, Wisconsin. In a single month. And it’s getting worse.

We’re way beyond the debate over whether this is a border crisis. The question now is whether we have a border at all.

What is the Democrats’ response? This bill promises a path to citizenship not only for the 700,000 DACA recipients, but millions more who illegally arrived prior to January 1st, were under 19 when they arrived and have only committed two misdemeanors. How do you prove you qualify? Under this bill, it means having a friend vouch for you.

We all sympathize with those illegally brought here as young children years ago and more than 200 Republicans supported legislation to give them legal status in the 115th Congress. But it included measures that secured our border and enforced our laws to discourage another generation of young people being brought here – exactly as we are now seeing unfold today.

Why are so many children being placed in the hands of Mexican criminal cartels, and forced to suffer the 2,000-mile trail of terror to our border? Because it works.

This bill proves the Mexican crime cartels are right – you’ll be admitted into our country and need only wait for the next amnesty.”

The “Newsmaker of the Day” is heard every weekday morning at 6:45, 7:45 and 8:45 on AM 1450 and FM 102.7 KVML.
