Calaveras County Trying To Wrap Up Tree Mortality Program
San Andreas, CA – The last round of projects removing dead and hazardous trees in Calaveras County are set to begin, but officials say property owner participation is hindering their efforts.
Tree mortality mitigation projects have already cleared 8,000 dead and hazardous trees along county roads. County foresters advocate, “Removing these hazard trees not only reduces potential impacts on the traveling public but eliminates fuels that contribute to wildfire hazards.”
The county has three new projects in the works for the next several months. One project extends from West Point to Mokelumne Hill, a second from Blue Lake Springs north to the Alpine County line, and a third from Blue Lake Springs south to Angels Camp. A major concern is getting these projects done before winter comes. County officials relay that hundreds of right of entry forms have been sent out to landowners with hazardous trees on their properties, but they say the return rates have been “disappointing.”
Without the signed “Right of Entry” forms allowing foresters onto properties to mark dead trees for removal, the projects face delays. So, county officials are asking those who received the form to fill it out and mail it back immediately. One incentive, the program is free, and all logs and debris are removed when trees are cut down.
Questions on the tree removal program can be directed to Dr. Richard Harris, Tree Mortality Program Manager at (707) 685-5508 or