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Explore the Fall Skies through Astronomy Class

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Columbia College will give the community an opportunity to identify planets, deep sky objects (objects outside our solar system) and galaxies at the college observatory through its Community Education class in Observational

Astronomy on Saturday, Oct. 18 from 6:30 to 10 p.m. with an alternate date of Oct. 25 in case of inclement weather.

Telescopes at the observatory will allow participants to study Mars and Venus, in addition to a globular star cluster in Hercules, an open star cluster in Perseus and the Ring Nebula in Lyra. The Andromeda Galaxy and NGC 253, an edge-on spiral galaxy in Sculptor will also be visible.

Although the periodic comet Encke won´t be quite as bright, it should be within range of the college´s telescope. Viewers will also see the Orionid meteor shower, born of Comet Halley, which peaks on Oct. 22 along with some other early meteors.

Cost is $20 per person and the registration deadline has been extended to Oct. 15. To register or for more information, call the college´s Community Education Office at 588-5144.
