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Tuolumne County Has 20 Active Cases, 60 Total

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Sonora, CA — Tuolumne County Health officials released the Thursday Coronavirus testing update. There are two more coronavirus cases identified today and 15 of the active cases have moved to a ‘recovered’ status. Public health updates the two new individuals are currently isolating at home and neither are associated with other positives identified at Avalon or the jail. Results from the first round of testing at Avalon Care Center and the County Jail have been received and public health is conducting additional testing. Demographic information, like the age and gender statistics for Tuolumne County’s 60 positive coronavirus tests is expected to be released by the end of the week.

Total tested* 6,308, total Tuolumne residents positive 60, hospitalized 0, in isolation 20, total recovered 40. One non-resident was identified as positive and will be added to the count of the county the person resides in at a later time.

Active** Coronavirus cases by county (as of 7/9/20 5:00 PM)
Alpine – 1, Amador – 16, Calaveras – 42 as detailed here, Mariposa – 8, Madera – 435, Merced – 1,002, Mono – 19, San Joaquin – 2,164, Stanislaus – 398, Tuolumne – 20.

**Active cases as reported by the county or recovered and deceased known positive cases minus total known cases or for Merced, Mono and San Joaquin Counties a rolling 14-day total.

* Tuolumne County testing numbers include those routed through Public Health to a Public Health Laboratory and those reported through the State infectious disease reporting system. All positive cases of Tuolumne County residents must be reported to Public Health.

Tuolumne County Public Health Updates

  • We are reporting 2 new cases in Tuolumne County today and the individuals are currently isolating at home. Results from the first round of testing at Avalon Care Center and the County Jail have been received and additional testing is being conducted (neither of today’s cases are associated with Avalon or the jail). We are adding demographic information (age and gender statistics) to our data dashboard and that is expected to go live by the end of the week.
  • A virtual town hall is being hosted tonight by the County Superintendent of Schools, Public Health, and Supervisor Ryan Campbell, on planning for the upcoming school year. The event begins at 6:00 and you can join by clicking here: or by dialing 1-669-900-9128 and enter Webinar ID: 962 4855 5674.
  • A GIS dashboard has been deployed and is embedded on the County website and the COVID-19 portal.
  • The no-cost state testing site is open at the Calaveras County Fairgrounds Tuesday – Saturday 7am to 7pm. Appointments can be scheduled ahead of time at: Appointments are strongly recommended as walk-ins are extremely limited.

It is important that people continue to follow prevention guidelines to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, including:

  • Practice physical distancing at all times. Keep 6 feet space between yourself and others who are not part of your household. Stay in your household bubble!
  • Wear a face covering in public.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently.
  • Avoid gatherings of any size with people who are not part of your household
  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Avoid unnecessary travel, and limit your outings to essential tasks.


Community Resources Portal:

Tuolumne County Public Health Website:

Public Health COVID-19 Call Center: (209) 533-7440

California COVID-19 website:

State Testing Site info and Appointments:

Tuolumne County Business:

CDC COVID-19 website:

Thank you for your support and efforts to protect the safety and health of our community

  • Amador 36 Calaveras 61 Mariposa 31 Mono 49 Tuolumne 60