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Illegal Movie Sharing Crackdown Continues

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Hollywood movie studios are preparing to sue computer server operators who help relay movie files across online file-sharing networks.

The Motion Picture Association of America´s lawsuits are aimed at disrupting the unauthorized distribution of movie files through BitTorrent and e-Donkey. BitTorrent and e-Donkey work differently but both enable computer users to share music, film, software and other files.

Both services have steadily gained in popularity after the recording industry began cracking down last year on users of Kazaa, Morpheus, Grokster and other popular file-sharing software. To disrupt BitTorrent users, the lawsuits will target U-S based

servers that help relay data between computer users. The lawsuits will also target e-Donkey servers in Europe.

The movie studios plan to announce the lawsuit in Washington this afternoon.


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