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Guidelines Released For Tuolumne County Churches And Hair Cutting Businesses

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Sonora, CA — Following the announcement that California is allowing hair salons, barbershops and places of worship to reopen, Tuolumne County Public Health has updated its local order to align with the state.

Hair salons and barbershops can reopen to offer limited services in Tuolumne County (hair cuts and color services) and churches can house up to 25-percent of a building’s capacity, or a maximum of 100 people.

The Tuolumne County Public Health Department reports, “Facilities that are open need to review and follow the industry-specific guidelines, complete the checklist, submit a copy to Tuolumne County Public Health, post the state checklist in their facility and make it available for people to review.

Additional recommendations from the health department, regarding places of worship, are listed below:

•It appears that singing is a high-risk activity for disease transmission, and we urge people to strictly maintain physical distance to prevent spread of the virus. People may need more than 6 feet of distance when singing.

•As much as possible, people should limit the size of gatherings and conduct gatherings outdoors. The state guidelines are to allow for 25% of a building’s capacity or up to 100 people, whichever is less.

•Facilities should be prepared to assist with contact tracing investigations should a case be identified. We encourage facilities to maintain sign-in documentation with contact information, so these may be utilized as needed.

•Facilities should consider increasing the number of services they offer so that people can attend in smaller numbers, which may slow the spread of the disease.

Links to the guidance documents can be found here: here for industries allowed in counties with a variance:

