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Census Workers Will Start Delivering Packets To Households

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Sonora, CA — After being delayed due to COVID-19, census workers will now begin going door-to-door to drop off packets to those who use a PO Box or do not have a regular mailing address.

It notably includes the more rural areas of the state, including 13,619 households in Calaveras County, and 6,262 in Tuolumne County. Those who receive mail at their residences should have received the documents a couple of months ago.

The US Census Bureau reports, “Field staff has been trained to observe all social distancing protocols and will wear official government-provided personal protective equipment for their safety and the safety of the public. This operation is contactless and follows the most current federal health and safety guidelines.”

In addition, “People are strongly encouraged to respond promptly to the 2020 Census using the ID number included in the questionnaire packet. Responding with a census ID or the paper questionnaire helps ensure the best count of their community. People can respond online, by phone or by using the paper form in the packet.”

The census count is of utmost importance because it impacts how much government revenue regions will receive.

The census “self-response” phase was initially scheduled to run through July, but it is now anticipated to go through October, due to coronavirus.


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