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Calaveras Supes Holding Special Meeting Tuesday

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San Andreas, CA — Funding coming down the pipeline for homeless programs, including emergency shelter during the COVID-19 pandemic are front and center for the Calaveras supes this week.

Tuesday’s special meeting should be a relatively short one with just two consent items relating to the homeless programs and one regular agenda order of business, which is to receive the latest update from Public Health Officer Dr. Dean Kelaita and staff on the COVID-19 state of emergency.

With regard to the homeless programs, the board anticipates formalizing the county’s acceptance and facilitating the spending of just over $71,000 in Project Roomkey funding that will help deliver and cover COVID-19 related services to eligible community members who lack stable housing.

The money is Calaveras County’s part of a larger funding chunk being dispersed through the Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency (ATCAA), the administrator for the Central Sierra Continuum of Care (SCCoC). The Continuum, a four-county partnership involving Amador, Calaveras, Mariposa and Tuolumne, is dedicated to assisting individuals and families experiencing homelessness, helping them access and effectively use mainstream programs and help them optimize their self-sufficiency.

The other grant awards the board will be formally approving total over $450,000 in Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program (HHAP) five-year grant cycle monies the county applied for through SCCoC and as a county under a $650 million block grant program that supports regional coordination and expanding local capacity to address immediate homelessness challenges. Allocations are based on the local Point In Time (PIT) count of homeless persons in each county.

The HHAP funds, being administrated by ATCAA, will be used to support homeless services provided either directly by the county or subcontracted, and includes housing navigation, housing-focused case management, rental assistance, emergency motel costs, and other housing related costs supporting prevention of homelessness, emergency housing, and rapid rehousing towards permanent housing. HHAP funding require participating counties to manage their homeless data through the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and CSCoC through ATCAA maintains its own Coordinated Entry System (CES).

Tuesday’s meeting begins at 9 a.m. in the supervisors chambers at the government center. Due to the COVID-19 emergency and Stay at Home order, it is not open to the public. The live video or audio stream can be remotely accessed here.
