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2008 Tuolumne County Profile – Adult Education (Part 12)

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Sonora, Ca — Adult Education is highlighted in Part 12 of our ongoing series on the Tuolumne County Profile; Community Indicators Project.

Why is this important?

Access to post-secondary education, job skills training, and basic education is critical to support the rapidly changing local and regional economy. Remedial education, basic skills development, and General Education Diploma (GED) preparation are in demand and serve as a critical first step toward self-sufficiency for many adults.

With the growing number of older adult residents and retired professionals moving to our county, we have an increasing demand for continuing education programs and personal enrichment classes.

What is the measure?

The number of adults participating in formal educational activities provides a gauge of adult education opportunities.

How are we doing?

The county is home to a comprehensive community college ( Columbia College), adult ROP (Regional Occupational Program) programs, adult high school program, and several vocational and literacy providers.

Numerous agencies provide short-term education and training courses for the local workforce and businesses. Institutions of higher learning are within reasonable commuting distance.

While distance learning via the Internet is a growing trend, it is constrained by limited access to high-speed internet service in most of Tuolumne County.

The adult population is growing much faster than the younger cohort.

College enrollment is increasing steadily.

English as a Second Language shows the greatest percentage increase in enrollment.

Click Community Indicators Project for a complete review of the 2008 Tuolumne County Profile.

Written by BJ Hansen
