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Columbia College’s Community Education On Hiatus

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Columbia, CA — Due to a lack of resources the Community Education Program at Columbia College is now officially "on hold."

From V.P. for Student Learning Dr. Dennis Gervin, "We just don’t have the resources needed to maintain the program at this time. The tight economy has probably had an effect on our class enrollments which have been lower than usual over the past year.

We regret that this long-standing community service had to be discontinued and apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. We will bring it back, but it is difficult to know when we will have the needed resources to do it right."

Gervin indicated that current plans are for the program to be re-introduced as the state budget and local economy improve. He is hopeful that limited offerings might be phased in for the fall 2011 semester.

For the time being all Community Education classes, bus trips and vacations are cancelled while the college develops plans for better implementation and more community utilization of this fee-funded program. Staffing, instructor costs, facility rentals and instructional supplies are all funded through student fees.

Registration fees that students have paid for any current classes are now in the process of being returned.

Any questions regarding the Community Education program should be directed to Dr. Gervin’s office at (209) 588-5107.
