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PG&E Names New Leader

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San Francisco, CA– PG&E Corporation has a new Chairman of the Board, CEO and President.

It was announced today that Anthony F. Earley will assume the position, according to PG&E Corporate Affairs. Earley’s appointment is also the first in PG&E’s history to come from outside the organization.

As head of Michigan-based DTE Energy for more than ten years, Earley built the company’s core business, Detroit Edison and Michigan Consolidated Gas Company into two of the most highly respected electric and natural gas operating companies, with strong performance on many of the industry’s key safety and reliability measures.

“Tony is a highly respected and proven CEO who will provide fresh eyes and strong leadership as we focus on public safety and operations excellence,” said Lee Cox, interim Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President. “We looked across the industry and found the person best qualified to help us win back public confidence.”

Earley’s appointment is effective next month.

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