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New Police Officers, Contract City Engineer On Angels Camp Agenda

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Angels Camp, CA — The City of Angels City Council will be welcoming a new police officer and K9 among its orders of business in the coming week.

At the top of the council’s agenda is a swearing in for Police Recruit Jesus Moncada, who will after taking the oath of office become a full-fledged police officer. Later in the meeting, Police Chief Scott Ellis will present K9 Officer Ryder for the council’s formal acceptance and a swearing in. The K9 is a donation by the police department’s K9 Association.

Among other regular agenda business, the council will hear a presentation on the city’s regional transportation projects from and approve contract awards totaling $243,000 for Drake Haglan and Associates to serve as the city’s consulting engineer until the end of the 2020-21 fiscal year.

The members will also consider approving a contract for environmental services to Helix Environmental Planning for an amount not to exceed $66,960 as part of the city’s Sewer Line Collection System Improvements and Replacement Project.

The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. in the Angels Fire House (1404 Vallecito Road), following a one-hour closed session covering real estate matters involving three properties. These are 058015011, the Altaville Townsite Block 4, Lot 4 at Highway 49 and Monteverda Street; 058007005 off Highway 4 near Copello Drive and Cherokee Creek by Greenhorn Creek Drive; also 060012012, the existing USPS Post Office site in downtown Angels Camp.
