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CHP Releases Details On Truck And Horse Trailer Crash In Calaveras County

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Valley Springs, CA – The San Andreas CHP unit has released details regarding a two-vehicle collision in Valley Springs near Pardee Dam that also involved a horse riding inside the trailer and one of the drivers suspected of DUI.

Officers recently responded to a traffic collision on Sandretto Road, south of Pardee Dam Road. CHP spokesperson Jeremy Cooper tells Clarke Broadcasting that driving a 2005 Dodge 2500 pickup southbound was 25-year-old Cole Webber of Vallecito. Coming in the opposite direction, driving a 2013 Toyota 4Runner SUV, was 46-year-old Joel Covello from Valley Spring. The vehicles collided, causing the pickup and horse trailer to go off the roadway and down a 20-foot embankment.

A passenger in Webber’s truck, 24-year-old Alexia Franco, also suffered minor injuries in the crash, while Covello and Webber were not hurt. However, Webber was arrested on suspicion of DUI. Calaveras Consolidated Fire provided the pictures in the image box and noted that the horse was freed from the trailer and sustained no injuries.

  • Truck hauling horse trailer crash near Pardee Dam Road in Valley Springs -- CCF photo
  • Map of crash site -- CCF
  • Truck hauling horse trailer crash near Pardee Dam Road in Valley Springs -- CCF photo
  • Truck hauling horse trailer crash near Pardee Dam Road in Valley Springs -- CCF photo
  • Truck hauling horse trailer crash near Pardee Dam Road in Valley Springs -- CCF photo
  • Truck hauling horse trailer crash near Pardee Dam Road in Valley Springs -- CCF photo