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The Future Of Reading & Writing In The Digital Age

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This Saturday January 20th, award-winning journalist Scott Thomas Anderson will speak in Angels Camp, exploring how prose, poetry and creativity will make or break the English language in the Digital Age.

Anderson was Friday’s KVML “Newsmaker of the Day”.

For more than a decade Anderson has worked in the center of a media metamorphosis that continues to alter how Americans share their everyday experiences.

Speaking at the Manzanita Arts Emporium, Anderson will discuss the danger of our youngest generations learning linguistic impulses through hyper-abbreviated platforms like Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram.

Anderson will consider what happens to the brain’s ability to focus when we trade a book’s imaginative doorway for the swamp of fragmented, multi-media distractions. He’ll also look at the future of the written word if today’s writers, poets, artists and teachers don’t recognize a threat against it.

This free talk is open to the public and starts at 6:30 p.m. The Manzanita Arts Emporium is at 1211 South Main Street in Angels Camp.

Anderson’s work has appeared in numerous publications, including The Irish Independent, Dublin’s largest daily newspaper, and The Coffeelicious, one of the most-read online magazines on

For more information, visit:

The “Newsmaker of the Day” is heard every weekday morning at 6:45, 7:45 and 8:45 on AM 1450 and FM 102.7 KVML.
