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Very Different Reactions To President’s State Of The Union

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Washington, DC — Lawmakers such as Congressman Tom McClintock, Senator Diane Feinstein, and others, are weighing in on President Barack Obama’s final State of the Union Address.

California’s senior U.S. Senator, Feinstein, was very complimentary of the speech, saying, “I think what we saw—President Obama’s final State of the Union—was the speech the president has wanted to give for years. Rather than a laundry list of policies that we know a divided Congress can’t agree on, we heard President Obama’s vision for the country. He talked about how far we’ve come over the past seven years, but more importantly he talked about where he sees our country moving. I think his speech was inspiring and powerful, and the country should listen carefully.”

Mother Lode Republican Congressman McClintock had a much different take on the speech. He says, “In an hour he illustrated exactly how out-of-touch he is with the realities the American people are living. Obama spent his last State of Union Address telling us that seven years of economic stagnation is actually this phenomenal economic recovery. That our collapsing health care system, and the skyrocketing premiums people are facing, are just figments of our imagination, and that the world has never been more peaceful and stable.”

California’s other U.S. Senator, Democrat Barbara Boxer, had a very positive review of President Obama’s speech, saying, “I was glad he reminded everyone how resilient this nation is and what a remarkable record we have seen over the past seven years – 14 million jobs created, more than 17 million Americans getting health coverage, the comeback of the auto industry and the recovery of the housing market. The President also focused attention on some big ideas, including a ‘moon shot’ to cure cancer – which I strongly support – as well as a huge focus on voter suppression, which can undermine our democracy. And he reminded everyone that addressing climate change is a win-win not only for saving the planet, but for good-paying jobs in the clean energy sector.”

When Clarke Broadcasting asked Congressman McClintock about President Obama’s “moon shot” to find a cure for cancer, the Congressman called it “bizarre” and referred to the President as “delusional.”

With yet another perspective, Central Valley Republican Congressman Jeff Denham indicated that he wished President Obama would have touched on other topics, noting, “If the President truly wants to implement change that helps families in my district prosper, he’ll take a hard look at some of the legislation we’ve passed in the House to strengthen our economy, rein in government bureaucracy and get people back to work. Most importantly for the Central Valley, he’ll get involved for the first time in helping us answer our state’s desperate need for water and direct the Senate to work with the House in seeing some of the legislation we’ve already passed signed into law. We must increase water storage to address California’s needs and America’s food supply.”

Also of note, California Governor Jerry Brown has not yet publicly commented on the State of the Union Address, but Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom took to social media immediately afterwards, and simply stated, “Thank you Mr. President.”

You can read a transcript of President Obama’s address by clicking here.

  • President Obama